Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Making of Series 20th Edition:

"Boilahmaker Sippah" is the song (that the album was titled after) that we will give the making of for the 20th Edition of the series.

First the instramental:
Kwin MD made the instramental out of samples he put together & looped...

The Lyrics:
Most pf these lyrics were originally used on the unreleased album "Double Up Double Down"
and since this was around the time that it was determined that that album was not getting released, Kwin MD used much of the lyrics from various songs on that album and meshed them together for this song.

The Samples:
A great Book: Heart Of Darkness that Kwin Read in Atlanta, Ga while living there in 1998, was turned into a movie and Remixed the setting with similar plot & Charaters called "Apocolyps Now"... Kwin Sampled the movie when Kurts says "They were gonna make me a major for this, and I wasn't in their fuckin' army any more..." in the begining of the song. The sample was slowed down a bit or "screwed"....

The end of the song samples the original first recording of "The Pussy Clinic" with Champain & Kriminal on the end of that song (recorded in 1999 with Splash City in Germantown in all 3 MC's first time at a studio)....Kriminal is from Darby, Pa...

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