Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The making of series 23rd edition:

"Damn Shame" is one of the songs in the Poll that awards voters 2 FREE CDs when they vote. This poll asks for your oppinion at www.mckomandoni.com about "I Am" and "Damn Shame".

The way "Damn Shame" was made is very unorthadox. Omega Redd brought a disc over to APG Studios with intramentals. The instramental for "Damn Shame" came off that disc, this was brought by when he was there to record his lyrics for "Death Toll" in October of 2005.

Shortly after that, he brought the same disc to Va'Les crib in S.W.P., they both wrote lyrics to the song and made a hook, this was planned to by a Common Ground Song.

In November of 2005, Va'Les went over to APG Studios and Recorded his verse and from his verse came Kwin MD's verse which was inspired by Va'Les verse & Va'Les idea of the concept that Omega Redd & Va'Les were writing about at Va'Les crib...

When Omega Redd came back to APG Studios it was May of 2006. He had been in the Bay Area of California for a while so between the start of the recording of "Damn Shame" and the end of the recording Omega Redd spent about 3 or 4 months in the Bay Area of California...His verse is first on the song and it was his verse recorded last....

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