Saturday, March 8, 2008

Today's Update

"Golden Land" has a better than 50-50 chance of getting into the Philadelphia Daily News. On Tuesday 3-11-08 Jonathan Takiff might have this album in his column (in the Yo section).

(Details are in THA HOOD 360)

There you can read today's post about why the album is now a Double Disc album.

This whole Daily News thing is the reason that only one post was made this week.

Talking to Jenice Armstrong, Jonathan Takiff, and making preparations to release this album by Common Ground on Tuesday took priority over the blogs here at:

THA HOOD/Garageband BBS on REMOTE...

There's still an outside chance that if Jonathan Takiff doesn't write about this that Damon Williams writes about it. That who Jenice suggested, she does write about music, she's always had great material in the Yo Section of the paper. She has the most interesting stuff in the paper that isn't sports related. She was also on Sports Talker 950 AM a few weeks ago. She's always looking for the Sexy Singles in the Philly Area, around this time of year she does a segment on them. Kwin wasn't able to help her with that when she asked him, because he's married and most of his single friends are all in Virginia...

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